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Burning Man 2011 is NOT sold out and will be selling tickets at the door

Contact: Tom LaPorte, Media Mecca

Tickets will be sold at the door

Burning Man Photos

Here is a video of the buses going in

(Black Rock City - July 26, 2011) (BORG) The Burning Man Organization announces it partnership with Ticketmaster and Clear Channel. 

Black Rock City officials say there will be tickets sold directly at the gate at the Ticketmaster Offices.  Consumers of the Burningman experience will be able to pay with cash, Visa or Mastercard.  Contrary to rumors circulating the internet yesterday, tickets will not sell for an expected $2,700.

Tickets will be sold at the door for a modest $360 paid to Burning Man for the ticket and a $640 additional convenience fee (charged by Ticketmaster).   Neither organization has disclosed how the $640 fee will be divided.

Clear Channel will be broadcasting directly from BRC this year and the event will be simulcast across 130 countries.

Talks between Clear Channel, BORG and HBO are currently underway to have a deal completed before August 29th so that the Clear Channel Feed can be sold as a Pay Per View event.

HBO hasn’t given an official launch date for its ambitious 130-country Burninman expansion, except to say that it will begin in the second half of this year. But we expect the company to provide more details in management commentary, including initial startup costs related to its great Burningman adventure, as well as some possible forecasts for subscriber numbers by the end of the year. Experts say that it could become the most heavily subscribed Pay per View event in television history.

Consumers should know that purchase of a Burningman ticket and attendance of the event is an implicit model release and waiver to have their likeness used in any form of motion picture, commercial or not.

Burning Man Photos

Here is a video of the buses going in


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