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Homage to Irving Penn who passed away October 7th, 2009

From hippies to fashion icons, from aborigines, to celebrities, Irving Penn captured their essences through the use of light, camera and stark backgrounds. 

He developed a style and a look that was groundbreaking and classically timeless.  His commitment to stirring the emotions of the viewers rather than simply satisfying the subject of the photo with technical prowess are what gave his photographs a voice that spoke with mass appeal.

I started this project with the production team as an ode to Mr. Penn.  A recognition of the masterful essence he brought to the simplicity of a studio shoot with a simple backdrop.

It was a shoot that we did not only to celebrate the same clothing brands that often adorned the covers he photographed for Vogue, but also an homage to his eye and sensibilities that have become a corner stone of fashion photography.

His passing yesterday, leaves the world with one less master amongst its ranks, but his body of work remains to continue to teach and inspire photographers like myself.  Inspire us to understand the fundamentals of beauty in composition and lighting while learning to add our own signature of flavor and style.

I am glad to have created these photographs during his life, but am proud to offer them as a demonstration of his influence even after his passing.




See the rest of the images here

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