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Jeben Berg of Youtube wrote extremely nice things about my Burning Man photo montage in Juxtapoz

So, I dont even know what to say about this kind of praise.  Jeben, of Youtube / Google just wrote one of the nicest articles / statements about my work i have ever read!  You are too kind!

The ariticle i am referencing is here in Juxtapoz

I uploaded the photo montage that he references on Youtube


I am currently wokring on distilling the images into a complete installation: Video / Stop Motion / Still Imagery / Book / Original Music


Stay tuned...


check out the still photos here





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    I met Peter in New York. He was working with Marc Ecko at the time. I was out there doing a big YouTube event with SoulJahBoyTellem and we ended up talking that night. He barely mentioned his photography, it was a discovery I made later as I Googled him. We talked and di some little things on YouTube. But it was his work that has staying power for me. In some ways if I were to be a photographer I would want to do work like him. Maybe someday he will let me intern. Recently he went to Burning M

Reader Comments (1)

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