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If your are in NYC this Friday Sept 13, Saturday or Sunday

Peter Ruprecht invites you to Art Meets Fashion Group Show Date: September 13, 14, & 15, 2013 Time: 6:00-10:00 pm Location: Industry City, Bush Terminal 241 37th St, Brooklyn, NY ------------------------------------------------------------ http://us4.campaign-archive1.com/?u=effd39ce834088c9bbaa10177&id=ac173d1ab9&e=89f59f60e7 http://www.artmeetsfashionmovement.org/?utm_source=Mailing+List+March+2013&utm_campaign=ac173d1ab9-Art_Meets_Fashion9_12_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_79351d4324-ac173d1ab9-60029801

** Peter Ruprecht invites you to Art Meets Fashion ------------------------------------------------------------

** When: Friday September 13 - Sunday September 15 6PM - 10PM ------------------------------------------------------------

** Where: Industry City Bush Terminal 241 37th Street, Brooklyn 11232 ------------------------------------------------------------

The ART Meets FASHION show will exhibit fashion influenced artwork, sculpture and video installations created by 30 artists from NYC, Brazil, Italy, Africa, Hong Kong and Spain. Curated by Italian Artist Marco Gallotta, Brazilian Curator and Artist Antonio Oliveira, and Ford Model and Founder of Art in Motion Monica Watkins, the goal of ART Meets FASHION is to strengthen and celebrate the arts and fashion culture in Brooklyn.

Key sponsors include MoCADA (Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Art). 40% of all exhibit artwork sold and 100% of this yearʼs silent auction and luxury raffle proceeds will benefit BK Style Foundation and the Foundation for Art In Motion and their collaborative education initiative in Brooklyn.

The contributing AMF artists also include: Peter Ruprecht, Ricky Powell, Marco Gallotta, Ryan Keeley, Antonio Oliveira, Alex Blaise, Gordon Skinner, Cynthia K. Cortes, Clyde James Ramos, Andrew Makadsi, Bob Albert, Delphine Diallo, Josama Palabra, Alcinda Saphira, Rene Nascimento, Heather Van Uxem Lewis, Christine Selvia, John Jay Cabuay, Izak Zenou, Javier Martin, Carlos Aponte, The Muffin Man, Beck Oakley, Francesco Petrone, Jaka Vinsek, Hassan Kinley, Kisha Batista, Yalitza Rodriguez, Lance Cain, Luis Alves Collage, Jason Yarmosky, Wyatt Gallery, Igor Molochevski, Rosalinda Gonzalez, Fabrice Bonmartin, Romulo Sans, Loan Chabanol, Reka Nyari, Ben Franke, Molaundo Jones, Marcos Amaro, Liz Carvalho, Theo Dora, Shannon Shiang and Erica Simone.

============================================================ Copyright © 2013 Ruprecht Studios, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you expressed interest in my photography shows. Our mailing address is: Ruprecht Studios 122 west 26th st 5th floor New York, NY 10001

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