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Ephotos.com interviews Peter Ruprecht


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We’re here with photographer and mover-and-shaker, Peter Ruprecht. Welcome Peter!

ephotos: You spend a lot of time on the road, where are you from and where is your business based?

PR: That has always been a slightly complicated question for me to answer. I am originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. When I was 4 our family moved to the US. Since then we travelled back and forth between the US and Argentina. For the past several years I have been based out of New York City, but as I like to say, my stuff resides here. I have been on the road for the past several years, living in Europe, South America, and India. But I would have to say that all of my income comes from New York, so technically, my business is a New York based business.

ephotos: Name some of the places you’ve traveled where you feel like you made a connection, visually, either with the culture, the architecture, or the landscape.

PR: India for sure! The place IS as magical as they say, just not in the way you might expect. For me the connection to the place came from all of the hidden parts of life there, that are not apparent until you have spent significant amounts of time there. I went 2 times and spent almost 8 months combined, so I was able to peel back the layers that tourists are exposed to. My most memorable moment came in Varanasi. I befriended a Brahmin named Bablu and spent several days walking the city with him taking me to places that most westerners never see. One of these places is across the Ganges River on the other bank. You walk across blazingly hot sand for several kilometers until you find a small footpath. When you follow that path you arrive at a village that is visually amazing and again, few westerners see or let alone have the opportunity to photograph.....

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    We’re here with photographer and mover-and-shaker, Peter Ruprecht. Welcome Peter! ephotos: You spend a lot of time on the road, where are you from and where is your business based? PR: That has always been a slightly complicated question for me to answer. I am originally from Buenos Aires, Argentina. When I was 4 our family moved to the US. Since then we travelled back and forth between the US and Argentina. For the past several years I have been based out of New York City, but as I like t

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