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From Digital to FILM. I just got one of these little things. Diana F+...I used it to shoot the miss sixty fashion show.

So I finally did it. I got myself a film camera. I love these things. My brother shoots with a lomo, but after checking all of the different ones out i settled on the Diana f+ for a multitude of reasons. I think its just the most versatile.

Since its film, and my first shoot was for the miss sixty fashion show last night, i have not developed the photos yet.

But Check out the pictures this camera takes. I ran into this photoblog on the web. This photographer is extremely talented.


The Diana Camera

The Diana+ Camera

diana F+

A Recreation and Homage to the Original

Starting from scratch with an original 1960’s Diana camera, they pulled apart every tiny nook, cranny, gear and wheel to rebuild it from the ground up. Every quirk and “imperfection” was duly noted and reconstructed – yielding a lightweight beauty that handles and feels just like the original.

Two Shutter Speeds

Choose between "N" for normal daytime snapshots or “B” for unlimited indoor and nighttime exposures.


  • Film format: 120
  • Size: 5” x 3.75” x 3” (12.5cm x 9.5cm x 7.6cm)
  • Variable shutter (daytime & “B” for unlimited long exposures)
  • 12-shot (5.2x5.2cm), 16-shot (4.2x4.2cm), and endless Panorama (4.6x4.6cm) formats
  • Removable lens for super-wide-angle pinhole shots.

Diana F+

The Plastic Fantastic Diana Lens

The Diana's original all-plastic lens has been duplicated with utmost love and care to ensure the same dreamy, gorgeous, color-drenched, sometimes-blurry, and often-mindblowing results that Diana users have always treasured.

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Reader Comments (4)

Love the picture. Very Becher-esque. Great camera. Look forward to the magic you will work with it.

February 18, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCesarina Ferro

hi peter, these are taken with an old brownie camera and a diana. i shot these about 10 years ago, back in colombia after not beign there in 4 years. i will try to update my portfolio to show oyu more stuff with old plastic and box cameras. i still shoot a lot of film and now that i have regular access to motion film stock i load some of it on one of my cameras. you should try it out and do a push, pull or bleach bypass on it.

February 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternicolas

sorry, this is the link http://www.geocities.com/nicolasv.rm/pages/portfolio/en_la_humedad.html

February 22, 2009 | Unregistered Commenternicolas

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