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A weekend afternoon in Stowe Vermont

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This is an image i shot in Raw and then turned it into an HDR photo.   An  HDR Tutorial is available here.

This photo is from this collection

Reader Comments (1)

Saw mention of your blog on the Introduce Yourself and Introduce Your Blog e-mail notification and came to visit. Very nice work. Original, at least to me, in style. By the way, a couple of weeks ago, I attended a blogging and social networking technology conference by the name of Converge South (http://www.2008.convergesouth.com). Microsoft was a sponser and provided a limited number of us some software which allows designers to do amazing things with photos. It's the Expression Studio 2 Suite. Additionally, they have two new websites to use in connection with same. My e-mail is RDGreene@triad.rr.com. Send me an e-mail and I'll send you back my notes on the software. Something tells me that you will find it interesting.

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